
A New Digital Ecosystem

The evolutionary phases of an iterative process that has never stopped


Web App, Chatbot




2022- Ongoing

The Challenge

Define a strategy to scale Global content creation

Airbnb is a US giant that, through a portal launched in 2008, connects more than 4 million hosts, who in turn have hosted more than 1.5 billion people almost all over the world.

The collaboration with us began in 2022, with a request from the Media-ops team, which manages operations related to media production, ads and experiences on the platform.

The Solution
Navigate and Chatbot: a structured management of operational processes between hosts and photographers

We created a digital ecosystem that allowed photographers to centrally manage host interaction and delivery of photo content.

A cross-cutting system, which facilitates communication between the two actors and supports the marketing activities of hosts, through professional photoshoots capable of maximizing bookings.

An integrated chatbot then reduces the pressure on Customer Support, making it more responsive in handling complex issues. This allows the company to focus resources on continuous improvement of the platform, increasing overall user satisfaction.

Luminate: structuring and optimising the photographic post-production process

In an efficient operating environment, we have identified an important bottleneck: the flow of photographic post-production.

Photographers send their photos to external suppliers, entrusting the review process to retouchers. Speed was compromised due to the lack of full control and a standardized process, in addition to the preponderance of subjective judgment criteria. 
The delivery capacity decreased as the volume of photos to be handled increased.

This challenge gave rise to Luminate, a custom application designed to:

1. Image Management

Offer retouchers an intuitive tool that simplifies image management and editing, and helps them work faster.

2. Quality Control and Data Analysis

Allow Airbnb and retouchers to verify the compliance of a photo set with predefined criteria, while providing analytical data on the quality and efficiency of the editing process, which was not previously measurable, influencing business decisions.

3. Integration with AI tools

Tool for automatic retouching of selected images, important to speed up the process and allow more efficient management of photoshoots.

Going beyond the initial request

During a series of discussions, a crucial question emerged: “Are we doing enough for hosts?” There was no specific request, but a shared concern about improving their overall user experience.

The need was to create an effective and scalable tooling environment, able to meet all needs, not only those related to media management.

A new solution

Elevate: a hub dedicated to hosts

We created Elevate, an innovative plug and play platform designed to centralize a range of services in one place.
Elevate not only simplifies day-to-day operations, but also aligns with Airbnb’s host-centric vision.

Ads Management

Hosts can manage the status of their listings and have full visibility into their structure.

Safety: CO Smoke Alarm

They can install a fire alarm and monitor its shipment. The feature was launched in Mexico, saving numerous lives. The impact was so significant that it was soon extended globally.

Photographic Services

They can independently request a photo shoot, without having to wait for promotions or various offers.

Accommodation Categories Management

They may require new listing categories to be added and removed to expand the variety of options available on their listings.

Impact generated

+ 100 K

photoshoot deliverati

(from 8k at the end of 2021)

+ 150%

contracts concluded in one year

(2022 vs 2021)

– 48%

Tickets open to customer support

+8 K

Structures protected from possible fires

x 5

simultaneous photoset load management capability

+ 50%

Global average host CVR – photoshoot contract stipulation

(12% to 28% global average)



C&Ops Support

Product Lead

Systems Development Engineer

Lead Designer

Frontend Developer

2 Frontend Developers

Lead Backend Developer

Backend Web Developer

“Fundamental to the success was the cooperation between the two teams, made possible also by the perfect linguistic and time zone balance.

We encouraged the human and technical involvement of both teams, through annual retreats to strengthen the group and quarterly brainstorming sessions.

This approach has not only cemented mutual esteem, but inspired an ongoing collaboration that is extending vertically across the different teams and products in the Airbnb suite.”

Francesco Monti

Product Lead – Humans

Towards global synergy

The collaboration has led to strong relationships and improved Airbnb’s service globally.

Do you have a similar challenge?

“Thank you for your work on Luminate – the best photography tool I’ve seen during my time at Airbnb. Despite the short amount of time, you have created a well-designed and user-focused product. Attention to detail and care do not go unnoticed, thank you very much.”


Media Operations Creative Manager

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